Эпидемиология и инфекционные болезни

Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases

i Infektsionnye Bolezni

Founder: OAO «Izdatel’stvo “Meditsina”»

The certificate of registration of mass media:

Publisher: Closed Joint Stock Company “ECOLab”

142530, Moscow region, Elektrogorsk, St. Budyonnogo, 1

Founded 1996
Frequency: 4 issues per year.

Свежий выпуск

The journal “Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases” is a scientific publication devoted to the issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. Our journal is an authoritative research guide, providing up-to-date information on various aspects of epidemiology and parasitology.

The main goal of our journal is to organize a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas between scientists, doctors and other specialists in the field of infectious diseases. We strive to improve the quality of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases by publishing new studies, scientific articles and clinical reports.

The journal pays special attention to complex diagnostic cases of infectious diseases. We strive to provide our readers with up-to-date and comprehensive information about new diagnostic and treatment methods, as well as the latest advances in epidemiology.

We actively cover the epidemiological situation in Russia and abroad, allowing our readers to keep abreast of the latest trends and challenges in the field of infectious diseases. With us, you will always be aware of the latest research and developments that may be useful in your diagnostic and treatment practice.

The journal “Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases” is an integral source of information for all specialists interested in the development and improvement of research in the field of virology and infectious diseases. We are proud of our professionalism and team of experts, and we invite you to become part of our journal to advance science and improve healthcare together.

3.2.2. (14.02.02) Epidemiology (Medical Sciences, Biological Sciences)
3.1.22. (14.01.09) Infectious diseases (Medical Sciences, Biological Sciences)
1.5.10. (03.02.02) Virology (Medical Sciences, Biological Sciences)
1.5.11. (03.02.03) Microbiology (Medical Sciences, Biological Sciences)
1.5.17. (03.02.11) Parasitology (Medical Sciences, Biological Sciences)


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