Эпидемиология и инфекционные болезни

Open Access

Open Access – is an international academic movement that strives to provide free, free access to scientific publications on the Internet. Open Access publications may be freely read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, used for educational purposes, or otherwise legally used.

The concept of Open Access involves the elimination of financial restrictions on access to the texts of scientific publications, such as subscription fees, access fees, etc. Any user will be able to obtain scientific information for free. Open access removes legal restrictions on the use of scientific publications without violating the rights of authors. To benefit from Open Access, authors deliberately make their materials free for use, for example, through open licenses. They retain the right of authorship, the right to be cited, and the ability to control the integrity of their publication. The Open Access regime does not mean permission to change it, but only free, unrestricted access to the material.

Benefits of Open Access for Authors

The main reason that forces authors to post their works in Open Access is to reach a wider audience, increase the visibility of scientific works for other researchers, more actively use scientific results and, as a result, increase the impact factor. The more an article is used, cited, referenced, and based on it, the better for the research and the scientist’s career.

Benefits of Open Access for users

The direct users of scientific articles are, for the most part, other researchers. Open access helps them as readers by giving them the opportunity to see articles in journals not subscribed to by their libraries. The overall benefit is obvious, since no library can afford to subscribe to all scientific journals.